227-0690-11L Large-Scale Convex Optimization by M. Muehlebach (teaching assistants: Hao Ma, Zhiyu He)
263-5156-00L Beyond iid Learning: Causality, Dynamics, and Interactions by M. Muehlebach, B. Schölkopf, A. Krause (teaching assistants: M. Mordig, T. Gebhard)
We are actively looking for talented and motivated students. We have several projects available that are suitable for master's theses/internships ...:
- OnlineLearningforSoftManipulator
- LearningBasedSensingOfMagneticFields
- Outreach Project with Lego Mindstorms
- Reinforcement Learning
- Distance Geometry
- Generic Project Description
- Saddle Point Optimization
- Optimization for Indoor Drones (Verity, industry)
....or PhD theses:
Please use the following links to apply for a project:
- B.Sc., M.Sc. theses, semester projects: https://forms.gle/vUqYiPdYFG9oDiHL6
- Ph.D. thesis, internships, postdoc positions: https://forms.gle/ou8424nMVZbBBeS3A
Please note that the application process is selective. Past applicants typically received awards, have excellent grade point averages from top universities and/or publications at major conferences or journals in their field.
When applying for a Ph.D. position you will be asked to include your CV, bachelor’s and master’s transcripts, a one-page letter of motivation describing your research interests and educational background, and two references that can be contacted for requesting reference letters. Incomplete applications will not be considered.